
9 Ways You Can Do to Promote and Market Your Podcast

Since the launch of Apple’s first iPod in 2001, podcasts have been growing in popularity. In fact, according to Edison Research, 64 percent of Americans have heard of podcasts, and nearly one-third (32 percent) of Americans say they have listened to a podcast.

As podcasting continues to grow, it presents a unique opportunity for businesses to connect with their target audiences. And once you have already created an amazing podcast that people are dying to listen to, you will need to promote it in order to get the word out and attract new listeners. 

Here are some of the best digital audio marketing tips to help you promote and market your podcast:  

1. Use Attractive Artwork

Your podcast artwork is important for two reasons: it needs to be eye-catching to attract new listeners, and it needs to be easily recognizable so that people can easily find your show. 

2. Create a Website for Your Podcast

Your website should be the central hub for all things related to your podcast. It should include information about the show, transcripts of episodes, links to listen to the podcast, and a way for people to subscribe. You can also use your website to sell merchandise, run ads, or collect donations.

3. Submit Your Podcast to Directories

There are many online directories where people can find and subscribe to podcasts, such as iTunes, Stitcher, and TuneIn. By submitting your show to these directories, you’ll make it easier for people to find and listen to your podcast.

4. Use Social Media

Social media is a great way to promote your podcast and connect with potential listeners. Create accounts on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram, and use them to share information about your show. Make sure to use hashtags and post regularly to reach the widest audience possible.

5. Run Ads

You can use online advertising platforms like Google AdWords or Facebook Ads to promote your podcast to people who are interested in the topics you cover. It is a great way to reach a larger audience and get more people listening to your podcast.

6. Use Email Marketing 

Email marketing can be a great way to promote your podcast and keep your audience engaged. Be sure to include a link to your podcast in your email signature and promote new episodes in your newsletter or email list.

7. Reach Out to Influencers

If you can get influential people to promote your podcast, you’ll reach a whole new audience of potential listeners. See if you can get guest appearances from well-known figures in your industry or collaborate with other popular podcasts.

8. Write Blog Posts

Writing blog posts about your podcast are a great way to promote it and attract new listeners. Be sure to include a link to your podcast in your blog post so readers can easily find and subscribe to your show.

9. Hosting Live Events 

Live events are a great way to connect with your audience and promote your podcast. Try hosting a live event in conjunction with a local business or venue.


There are a number of things you can do to promote and market your podcast. These include using attractive artwork, social media, and creating a website or blog. You can also submit your podcast to directories, run ads, use influencers, and host live events to make it easier for people to find your show. 

Finally, you can utilize email marketing and writing blog posts. By taking these steps, you can help ensure that your podcast reaches a wide audience and becomes successful.

Promoly is a digital audio advertising platform that helps brands promote their audio content over email and social media. With Promoly, you can reach a larger audience, get your content noticed, and grow your podcast brand. Get in touch with us today! 

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