
The Best Time to Promote Your Previous Podcast Episodes

When new episodes of your podcast debut, you must advertise them to increase traffic to your audio program. How about your earlier podcast episodes, though? Will your audience like you if you continue to promote them in the present even when time has passed?

Your past podcast episodes can be actively promoted. It truly makes sense to do so, and it has several advantages.

Promoting your older episodes is crucial because the more new listeners you attract, the more likely it is that they will subscribe to your program and interact with you online. Additionally, your web visibility in general and subscriber count are important if you’re looking to secure podcast sponsors.

How and when should you advertise your previous episodes, then? Numerous elegant methods exist to accomplish this without appearing overly brazen to your audience. 

Here are excellent occasions when you should promote an old episode.

A Celebration

A year ago today, did you publish a favorite episode of your podcast? Inform and engage your audience! 

Did you have a guest star on your program today who is also having a birthday? Share their episode and wish them a happy birthday on your social media! 

It’s crucial to maintain track of release dates, other milestones, and holidays so that you may use them to promote episodes in the future.

The End of a New Episode

Before you finish recording your most recent episode, be sure to tell the microphone what your most recent podcast episode was and encourage your listeners to go check it out. 

A small shoutout might go a long way for younger viewers who have recently discovered your show. It’s also a successful method of promoting older episodes without having to rely on social media.

Commentary on Recent Events

It’s essential to keep up with current affairs so you can add to the conversation with a podcast episode related to that event. 

For instance, if a new DC movie is going to open cinemas and you have a podcast episode where you rank all DC movies, now could be a good moment to start advertising that old episode. 

Keep up with news and pop culture trends; you could discover clever ways to relate hot subjects to discussions you had in earlier podcast episodes.

A Supplemental Episode

Are you producing a podcast episode as a follow-up to one from earlier? If so, make sure to promote the previous episode on your social media platforms before and after posting about the follow-up. 

This will enable new listeners to catch up before listening to your upcoming episode. Devoted followers may go back and read older stuff, too!

A Throwback

An old podcast episode can be promoted without a valid justification. It is possible at any time. Posting on the same topic multiple times is okay. 

Your readers won’t care as long as you make your posts about it slightly different.

Your devoted supporter becomes pleased and sentimental when they see anything as a throwback. Throwbacks also demonstrate to new followers that a former event was significant enough to be repeated. 

They might be intrigued and watch your old episode as a result of the slight retro trend.


When promoting your previous podcast episodes, timing is important, as you want to make sure your episodes are fresh in people’s minds. You also want to make sure you’re promoting to the right audience. 

Finally, don’t forget to come up with new and interesting ways to get people interested in your podcast!

You can rely on Promoly if you need digital audio advertising for your podcast! We help you track recipient engagement, drive more features, push more sales, and get your brand noticed. Contact us now to learn more!

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