
Need to Promote Your Podcast? Here Are Five Ways to Do So

Starting a new podcast is an exciting venture, but it does come with its share of worries. For one, you need to build your fanbase, which isn’t always easy. Sure, it takes luck, but you can make up for that luck by being diligent in promoting your podcast.

If this is your first rodeo, don’t fret. Here are some ways you can promote your podcast and build your fanbase.

1. Create A Website for Your Podcast

A functional website is a critical component of your audio marketing strategy. Now, creating a website involves a lot of work, but you’ll find the process worth it in the long run. After all, a website is a great way to promote your podcast, especially if you employ other digital marketing techniques, like search engine optimization (SEO).

A website is also a platform you can direct listeners to, making it easy for them to subscribe, download and rate episodes, and more. It’s also possible for non-listeners to stumble into your website and give your podcast a try.

2. Get Creative on Social Media

The next component of your audio marketing strategy is social media. Having an active social media presence is a great way to connect with your audience. You can share your podcast episodes, announce upcoming shows, post giveaways, and more. Keep your social media feeds fresh by constantly adding new content.

Not sure what to post? Here are some ideas:

  • Share interesting, entertaining or educational links, podcasts, and videos.
  • Share funny memes and gifs that relate to your content.
  • Create polls and ask your followers to click their favorite option.
  • Offer chances to win giveaways, like signed books and albums.
  • Share your podcast-related achievements, like awards, press coverage and so on.

3. Collaborate with Other Podcasters

Collaborating with other podcasters is another great audio marketing strategy that allows you to gain exposure for your podcast. After all, the more you collaborate, the more your name and podcast will be out there. Plus, collaborating with others can help you find inspiration for new topics to cover.

Collaborate on episodes with one host each and consider having both hosts host an episode of a different podcast.

4. Submit Your Podcast to Review Sites

Review sites can help you find new listeners, and they’re a great way to make backlinks, which can help promote your podcast. Try to get featured on reputable sites, and once you capture that spot, make sure you have a link to your website in your show notes.

Review sites can also help you with SEO since you’ll be able to get links to your website with high-quality backlinks.

Final Note

Building and growing a fanbase takes time, but you can make that process easier by being diligent in your podcasting. Aside from improving the quality of your podcast, you also need to put great focus on your audio marketing strategy since it can help you gain more listeners for your podcast.

If you’re looking for a platform to assist you with your audio marketing strategy online, you need not look further than Promoly. Promoly endeavors to help brands promote their audio through email and social media. Start your seven-day trial today.

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