
Promote your Podcast on Social Media with These Tips

You’ve made your podcast! You’re already past the hard part of the recording, so it’s time to get the word out. Social media is a great tool to use because it’s cost-effective and cuts down on time spent actually promoting. By using a few simple strategies, you can promote your podcast using the right tools. Here’s your guide to using social media as an audiobook marketing tool.

Promote your Podcast on Social Media with These Tips

1 – Set Up Your Accounts

The biggest social media platform is Facebook, so start there. It’s easy to set up a profile and make a page for your podcast. Follow Book Marketing Tools on Facebook to learn more about using Facebook as a marketing tool.

Twitter is also a great way to promote your podcast. It’s easy to set up a profile and make a page for your podcast. Follow Book Marketing Tools on Twitter to learn more about using Twitter as a marketing tool.

You should also set up an author page on Goodreads. Follow Goodreads Tips for more information.

2 – Plan Your Posts

Any posts should be tied to the theme of your podcast. For example, Book Marketing Tools uses Facebook to promote their blog posts about audiobooks, marketing, and more. It’s a great way to promote your podcast, which is a great way to promote your books.

You can also use your platforms to announce upcoming guests on your podcast. You can announce upcoming interviews, preview upcoming episodes, and more.

3 – Widen Your Network

Use your social media platforms to connect with someone else who has a large following. By connecting with them, you can gain access to their readers and listeners. You can then use them to help promote your show. You’ll have to put the work in, but you’ll have access to a large number of people who might not have heard of your podcast.

4 – Engage Your Audience

As an author or publisher, you probably have a decent audience following you on social media. Use social media to engage with your audience. Answer questions, share content, and interact with your followers. You don’t have to do a lot of promotion at the beginning, but building a following will be beneficial if you use social media for longer-term promotion.

5 – Use a Digital Audio Advertising Tool

It’s time to talk about ads. It’s possible to use a digital audio advertising tool to promote your podcast. Tools like Promoly are specifically designed for podcasts and audiobooks. These tools will help you create ads, schedule them to run on an automatic basis, and get reach.

6 – Post Regularly

The average Facebook user has a newsfeed filled with a lot of content. People don’t want to see too much frequent promotion, so they post once or twice a week at the most. People don’t always enjoy seeing the same content over and over, so try to post different types of content routinely. Posting great content that is relevant to your audience is sure to help you get more listeners.


Now it’s your turn! Start applying these strategies to your social media accounts. You’ll soon see your podcast growing. You’ll start getting readers, listeners, and sales.

Should you be in need of a digital music marketing tool, start using Promoly to promote your podcast today! Promoly helps innovative brands promote their audio over email and social media. Track recipient engagement, drive more features, push more sales and get your brand noticed. Start now; no credit card required.

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