
New Musician? 8 Genius Indie Music Promotion Tips

As a passionate musician, you believe in your craft. You know how important it is to give your passion all your energy and dedication. You’re determined to thrive in this industry, no matter what.

The good news is that you’ve started in the right place by reading this article. You deserve to make the most of all the promotional avenues available to help establish your music career. There is a lot to navigate when it comes to successful music promotion.

You will need to do a lot of research and work to get this right. Music promotion is about more than a few social media posts (though there are over 3.1 billion social media users who might see them). Social media is only a small part of a proper marketing strategy.

Detailed below are eight promotion tips you need to know. Keep reading to get started on your music career.

1. Start By Changing Your Mindset

The first step in promoting your music, believe it or not, is to get your thoughts in order. Up until this point, you’ve been working with your from a perspective of technique and form. Instead of thinking like an artist, you now need to think like a business.

Promoting your music is no easy feat. There are a lot of ins and outs to navigate if you’re going to succeed in this business. It’s time to formulate a real business promotion plan and stick to it.

2. Know Your Music’s Brand Personality

You know what your music sounds like, of course. Do you know, though, what kind of brand your music is?

Think of your music’s brand as its personality. Is it thoughtful and somber? Is it cheery, friendly, and upbeat?

Take the time to develop your music’s brand, and let your brand stay consistent in all the promotion you do. Establish a color scheme, a tone of voice, a chosen font type, and even a logo. As mentioned above, promoting your music takes a business mindset, and branding is a big part of that.

3. Digital Marketing Starts with a Solid Website

If you want to promote your music online, you’re going to need a good website. You might even want to invest in having one designed for you. This is a crucial step since you’re going to display your music here. Your website is the first impression many will get of you.

The fact of the matter is that there are now over 200 million active websites on the Internet these days. If you want to stand out in the music industry, you need to stay in line with modern web development standards.

4. Networking Is Crucial, But Stay Humble

In any industry, you’ll have to network if you want to succeed in the long run. The music industry is no exception to this rule.

The good news is that it should be pretty easy to network in your local community. Go to shows and start introducing yourself to performers. Remember, though, that you’re not “using” people as much as you’re connecting with them for future potential opportunities.

5. Blogs Are Perfect for Music Promotion

You can also look for networking and promotional opportunities online. For example, there are a ton of music blogs out there that are perfect for showcasing new artists like yourself. They’ll be looking for new featured artists like you all the time.

Make sure you know what you’re doing, though. Check out this article to start pitching to and getting featured on music blogs.

6. Don’t Be Afraid To Ask Plenty of Questions

Once you’re networked, either online or in-person, don’t be afraid to use your new relationships to your advantage. That doesn’t mean you need to be inconsiderate of others to reach your own goals. It means you need to start asking questions.

Remember that there is always going to be something you can learn from others more established in the music scene. Instead of viewing them as competition alone, start seeing other musicians as sources of knowledge. You never know what you might learn from engaging in a friendly dialogue.

7. Genuinely Engage Through Social Media

As mentioned above, there’s more to music promotion that posting about it on social media. In fact, if you want to make the most of social media, you need to start engaging through your accounts.

Social media is best used for engaging with your online community. Your followers are going to appreciate the time you take to interact with them – even if only through a Twitter conversation.

What’s important, though, is to realize that social media is a chance for you to inspire loyalty. That loyalty can be crucial in a successful music promotion in the long run.

8. Make the Most of Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

These days, whenever someone wants to find something – anything, almost – they search for it online. That’s why search engines like Google and Yahoo have become so powerful.

The good news is that there are SEO strategies to help anyone with a website take advantage of search engines’ ranking systems. Do some research to learn what keywords and phrases users search for while looking for your brand of music.

Continue To Keep Yourself Informed of the Music Industry

By the end of this article, you should have a good idea of how to promote your music. Music promotion is only the beginning of a successful music career, though. You need to keep up with the trends and best practices to thrive in that industry.

That’s where we come into play. We believe in providing you with all the news and updated content you need. Marketing and promotion are essential to any career, but we love the entertainment industry.

If you are ready to make the most of your musical talent, you need to keep up with us. We encourage you to continue to check out our blog to stay updated on the latest trends to advance your career in the entertainment industry.

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