One of the most common methods to advertise or promote is through the internet. It may be cheap and convenient, but it is highly competitive. Amid the thousands of people trying to get recognition, what can you do to be seen or heard?
Here are some tips you can follow to increase your chances of grabbing attention:
Personal Selling
Used when you can see customers face-to-face, this method allows for direct influence. Especially if you’re influential, charming, friendly, and talented, the ability to communicate your product strengths with business contacts can have massive results. Inviting fans over a local store and spending time with them or taking out a supervisor for a meal are a few things you can do in personal selling.
Direct Marketing
Direct marketing means you skip any ‘middle-person,’ so to say, and directly communicate with the buyers themselves. This method is only useful if you have an extensive collection of names and people who respond positively to a one-on-one conversation. Sending mails, texting, and other means of one-to-one communication are different forms of direct marketing, and not many bands do this. You can start by calling your fans and reminding them about an upcoming performance. With less competition here, this method is very likely to work for you.
Radio Promotion
Getting radio stations to play your music can help make more fans for you and build relationships in the professional environment. Forming a relationship with the DJ will not only allow you to play your music on air, but you will be able to reach thousands of listeners as well. However, regular radio stations are harder to access. Start with local stations, get to know the DJ, and build connections. Soon enough, you will receive invitations for interviews, live performances on-air, even to hold a live show.
Sales Promotion
Through the use of discounts and special offers, you can create a stimulated response from your intended audience. Customers will be motivated to spend on your products, and you may have gained more than if you never ran special offers. There are many ways to go about a sales promotion. Having a charming salesperson showcase your products is one of the most effective methods.
Having a sponsor back you up does not only supply you with financial support, but it also gives you a sense of legitimacy. This way, your sponsor can promote you through their products, while you help them at the same time through wearing their merchandise during special events. At the same time, sponsors can hold their events such as giveaways that could potentially attract more fans for your benefit. For someone looking for sponsorship, you can start by heading out to small businesses in your town. They can play your music in the store while you promote them in gigs and other events.
Do not worry about gaining more customers or fans. Follow the steps and increase your chances. If you work hard, success will surely come your way.
Promoly is a music promotion platform for musicians. If you’re looking for a music PR service to deliver music to your mailing list, get in touch to see how we can help today.