
How to Effectively Boost Your Brand through Audio Marketing

These days, brand owners have multiple options at their disposal to promote their business. With the onslaught of technological developments, almost anything is possible to get your business out there.

One of the most popular ways people have been enjoying different brands’ content has been through digital audio advertising. The appeal that audio marketing has comes from the ability to multitask while consuming this kind of content. Out of all the options available to brand owners, audio remains to be the most flexible.

Reports in 2019 have predicted that more consumers will be listening to audio marketing in 2021. Over three-quarters of internet users already listen to digital audio content, especially podcasts. As a result, many brands invest bigger budgets for audio marketing strategies, and it’s not too late for you to do the same.

In fact, here’s what you can do to boost your brand:

Turn Your Blog Posts into Audio Content

While you’re gearing up to create other forms of audio content, it’s a good idea to use what you’ve already got in your archive. Through repurposing what already exists, it involves turning your written content into audio.

Changing your blog posts into audio content isn’t to say you should stop making written outputs entirely. Some people still prefer readable content, but it’s good to offer an alternative audio option. That way, your brand is catering to a broader audience.

Look Into Investing in Some Podcasts

These days, podcasts are all the rage, and they’re the perfect audio marketing strategy to practice. They’re informational, entertaining, and flexible, all while being an excellent way to boost your brand’s online presence.

Podcast awareness grew from 122 million in 2010 to 212 million in 2020, and it’s been predicted that it’ll only continue to grow to 252 million in the next three years. Now is the perfect time to get your brand involved in this kind of audio marketing strategy.

If the idea of starting your podcast sounds intimidating, you don’t have to worry. You can always begin slowly by sponsoring someone else’s podcast or being a guest speaker. While it doesn’t have the same commitment as managing your own podcast, it still gives your brand good exposure to the existing audience of the brand you’re collaborating with.

Stream Your Advertisements through Live Audio

Many social media platforms these days offer their users to stream live audio content. These include Facebook, Twitter, HearMeOut, Listen, and AudList, to name a few. Some of them allow you to create long and short audio pieces, providing flexibility in the advertisements you make. These soundbites are helpful as they’re usually free to create, and they can go with images or text you’d want to include.

Take Advantage of Growing Advancements in Voice Technology

Studies have shown that about 50 percent of online searches will be voice searches by 2020. This can be an excellent opportunity for digital audio marketing. Optimize your brand’s advertising by focusing on common phrases or search questions instead of using specific keywords. You can even create short soundbites that answer common questions.


There are many kinds of advertising you can choose for your brand, and digital audio marketing is one. It’s a flexible form of advertising for both you and the consumer, and it’s one of the fastest-growing ways people are getting their content across to their target audience.

Promoly offers different audio marketing strategies to help brands promote their audio over multiple platforms. Visit our website now to see which services fit perfectly with your brand.

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