With the abundance of online technology and social media today, it’s easy for anyone to start a podcast from their desktop, laptop, or mobile device! You don’t need clout beforehand. You build that from scratch using these handy tips:
Tip 1: Use Podcast Hosting Sites
The first step in your audio marketing strategy is to have a website that hosts or broadcasts your channel. There are dozens of podcast hosting sites you can find online, and it can be a challenge to find the perfect one for you. One way to get started is to find one that publishes directly to Spotify, the world’s largest audio streaming media service provider!
By that connection alone, you’ll be able to build a following since there were approximately 355 billion Spotify users worldwide in 2021!
Tip 2: Spread Your RSS
Once you’ve set up your podcast on a site, the site will automatically generate an RSS feed, a format that allows other websites to read your data and broadcast it on other platforms.
Your RSS is another crucial part of your audio marketing strategy because it makes your podcast available on all the other streaming platforms out there, such as:
- Apple Podcasts
- Google Podcasts
- Listen Notes
- PocketCasts
- RadioPublic
The fantastic thing about your RSS distribution is that it automatically updates your index once you upload a new episode on the site. Thus, it’s a one-stop-shop of podcasting since it does the work for you across the board!
Tip 3: Create Social Media Accounts
While the podcast platforms above are excellent resources to get your show up and running, those are only half of the equation. You need to get the word out, and what better way to do that through social media!
Create a Facebook Page and Instagram account for your podcast. Start with teaser posts of the following collaterals:
- Official show logo
- A teaser video from the host(s)
- A profile of the host
- A poster for the first episode
Once you’ve published the first episode, post subsequent teaser videos of the next episode to your accounts’ stories and publish only the following episode posters and repost them on your stories. This keeps your timeline looking clean and organized.
You can also choose to post static and video clips from previous episodes to invite audience members to rewatch previous episodes. Still, we leave the decision up to you because it involves more back-end work.
YouTube is also a fantastic tool for podcasting since you can upload your full audio or video for on-demand consumption. While it also means a bit more work on the back end, it’ll give viewers another accessible site to listen or watch if the only media platform they use is YouTube.
Tip 4: Promote Organically
Another critical part of your audio marketing strategy is posting and reposting your content consistently. Your feed will drown out current broadcasts or posts, or people will miss out on them because they’re too busy with work or other online activities. Resharing them on your wall will give your podcast the attention it deserves.
You can also join relevant groups to share updates or ask your close friends to post your podcast’s links on their walls.
Tip 5: Stream Regularly
Starting a podcast takes commitment, so don’t take it lightly. If you want to grow your audience base, stream once a week at most, so you don’t lose traction. The more often people see or hear you, the better.
Start Podcasting
With the technology and steps in this guide, you can start podcasting with ease! You don’t need a formal setup to do so. Make sure your topics are relevant, unique, or quirky enough for people to tune in weekly and spread the word to their friends.
But to get the most out of your audio marketing strategy, contact Promoly right now! We help innovative brands promote their audio over email and social media by tracking recipient engagement, driving more features, pushing more sales, and getting your brand noticed. Start now; no credit card required!