
How to Create a Press Release with PromolyGPT for Your Music

As a musician, creating press releases is an essential part of your promotional strategy. Press releases help you announce your latest music to the world, attract new fans, and gain media coverage. However, not all musicians are skilled writers, and creating compelling press releases can take time. That’s where PromolyGPT comes in. In this article, we’ll show you how to use PromolyGPT to easily create your next press release.

What is PromolyGPT?

PromolyGPT is a language model trained by OpenAI, based on the GPT-3.5 architecture. It’s a tool that can generate human-like text based on the given prompt. In this case, it can create a press release based on the information you provide about your music.

Creating a Press Release with PromolyGPT

To create a press release with PromolyGPT, you need to follow these steps:

Step 1: Access PromolyGPT

First, you need to access PromolyGPT through Promoly. Once you’re in the tool, create a new release, press edit, and you’ll see the PromolyGPT button on the bottom right. Click the ‘Press Release’ button on the chat.

Step 2: Provide Information

PromolyGPT will ask you several questions about your music, such as the name of the release, the artist or band behind it, and the genre of the music. Provide accurate information about your music to ensure that the generated press release is relevant and compelling.

How to Create a Press Release with PromolyGPT for Your Music

Step 3: Let PromolyGPT Do the Work

After you provide the necessary information, click the ‘Send’ button, and PromolyGPT will start generating a press release for you. It will use the information you provided to create a compelling press release that you can use to promote your music.

Step 4: Customize Your Press Release

Once the press release is generated, you can customize it to make it even more compelling. For example, you can edit the text, add quotes from your music, or highlight the unique features of your music. This will help you to stand out from other musicians and attract more attention to your music.

Step 5: Set a Release Date

After customizing your press release, you’ll need to set a release date. This will ensure that your press release goes out at the right time to maximize its impact. Make sure you choose a date that gives you enough time to promote your music effectively.

Step 6: Create a Subject Line

The subject line is the first thing journalists, DJs, and other media professionals will see when they receive your press release. Therefore, it is essential to create a subject line that grabs their attention and entices them to read your press release. PromolyGPT can generate subject lines for you based on the information you provided. Choose the one that best suits your needs.

How to Create a Press Release with PromolyGPT for Your Music

Step 7: Upload Your Music and Album Cover

To send the promo using Promoly, you need to upload your music and album cover. Doing so will create the finished promo. This will allow media professionals to listen to your music and see what it looks like before the official release. Make sure you choose high-quality files to ensure the best listening and viewing experience.

Step 8: Send Your promo

Finally, you can send your complete promo to your list of DJs and journalists. They’ll use the information you provide to write reviews and articles about your music, giving you the exposure you need to succeed in the music industry.


PromolyGPT is a powerful tool that can help musicians create compelling press releases quickly and easily. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can use PromolyGPT to create a press release that will help you promote your music effectively. So, why spend hours trying to write the perfect press release when you can use PromolyGPT to do the work for you? With PromolyGPT, you can focus on creating great music while AI generates press releases to help you reach a wider audience.

Also… PromolyGPT can generate press releases for various occasions, such as album releases, single releases, and tour announcements. This will help keep your fans and media professionals engaged and interested in your music, boosting your chances of success.

In conclusion, using PromolyGPT to create press releases for your music is a game-changer. It saves you time and effort while helping you create compelling press releases promoting your music. Give PromolyGPT a try today and see how it can help you take your music career to the next level.

Don’t let your writing skills hold you back from sharing your music with the world. With PromolyGPT, you can let your music do the talking while the AI takes care of the press releases.

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