
Emailing Music Campaigns: Your New Guide

Emailing music is undoubtedly one of the most powerful marketing tools today.

That is because most people check their email inbox each day, probably multiple times, and so you’re more likely to reach out and connect with your fans through this medium.

Whether you’re promoting your new album or your upcoming gigs, you can easily do so via emails. That being said, the tricky part is getting your fans to open your emails and take action in the first place.

This article will give you a few tips to ensure that you will get the best results when emailing music.

1. Find the “Best Time” For You

The “best time” or the most effective time to send out emails varies across industries and markets.

When it comes to business emails, people are more likely to check their emails during weekday mornings, particularly while commuting to work.

The bottom line is that the best time differs for everyone. You may find that some of your fans respond well before bedtime while others are more engaged in the morning right after they wake up.

What you should do is conduct A/B testing to explore different send times. Once you find the best time to connect with your fans, then that is the schedule that you should consistently stick with.

2. Expand Your Email List

It’s very important that you build your email list (Hubspot have a great guide here) so that you can reach out to a wider audience. One simple way to do this is to get the attendee list from your ticketing partner. Then, you can go ahead and upload it into your email marketing platform.

3. Divide Up Your Audience

Sending out a typical email newsletter to everyone on your email list may not be enough to boost your email open rate. Instead, you should target smaller groups and send them personalized emails.

For example, send show announcements to the fans that are interested in the relevant genre. You can also reach out to those who have been to past shows and who might potentially be interested in similar shows.

This way, you get to target your fans’ unique interests. This, in turn, increases your open rate.

4. Showcase Personality

The messages you send when emailing music need to have personality. This means that you don’t want to bore your readers with a long, dull essay about why they should come to your show.

Instead, showcase your personality through these emails so that your fans will get an idea of who you are. Also, you should use a casual tone with your fans to create a friendly connection.

5. Send Out Recaps

Remember to send out recaps of your shows within a day or a few days after each show. This will create excitement, and your audience will want to experience the shows for themselves if there’s another one coming!

In your recaps, you should thank your fans for coming and include photos that link to either Facebook images or your Instagram account to create a greater social media buzz.

6. Attract Attention With the Subject Line

You can make it or break it just by the use of your subject lines. Instead of using all caps with excessive exclamation marks that can send your email to the spam folder, keep your subject lines gripping, precise, and fun to make sure that your fans will click through.

7. Make Use of the Preheader

Aside from the subject line, the next thing that your readers will see when viewing in an inbox is the preheader. This is where your fan really decides on whether or not to open your email.

You can use your preheader to announce about the tickets being sold really fast. This is so that people will be urged to click through to see what they’re about to miss out on.

I hope these tips on emailing music campaigns have helped. If so, let us know in the comments.

Promo.ly is a music promotion platform for musicians. If you’re looking for a music PR service to deliver music to your mailing list, get in touch to see how we can help today!

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