
So you’ve received a Promo.ly campaign! Lucky you! This is how you check out and download the release.

  1. From the email you received, click the ‘click here to access the promo’ button.
  2. You’ll be greeted by the promo campaign page. First, click play on the audio players to preview the release.
  3. If you like the music, consider leaving feedback. My leaving feedback, you unlock the ability to download the releases.
  4. Type your feedback into the relevant field, rate the release out of five using the stars and click ‘submit feedback’.
  5. The page will refresh, and you will now have the ability to download individual tracks, download the entire release as a ZIP or send the release to your Dropbox.

A few things to consider:

  1. The sender is notified upon the following actions: email opens, individual track listens, feedback, rating and track downloads.
  2. Upon downloading your promos, unique, inaudible watermarks are added to the files. These allow us to trace back leaks to specific contacts.
  3. You can unsubscribe from mailouts from individual subscribers from your emails. Unsubscribing from one list wont affect any other Promo.ly subscriptions.