
Creating new mailing lists, or importing existing ones from other services is a doddle. This is how you do it.

  1. After logging in to admin.promo.ly, click ‘mailing list groups’.
  2. Click ‘+’ to create a new list. Define the name, such as ‘Dubstep YouTube channels’ or ‘EDM DJs’ and click save. It’s a good idea to separate your lists according to genres and promo types.
  3. Next, click ‘mailing lists’ on the sidebar.

Creating new contacts

  1. Within the ‘mailing lists’ page, click ‘+’ to add a new contact.
  2. Fill out the form and assign them to relevant groups. You can add them to multiple groups if necessary.
  3. Click save.
  4. Note that you can temporary disable sending to specific contacts by unticking ‘active’.

Uploading an existing list

  1. Within the ‘mailing lists’ page, click ‘upload CSV’.
  2. Select the appropriate CSV file from your computer, ensuring the document adheres to our ‘name’, ’email’ and ‘company’ structure. Select the pre-created groups you wish to add the list to.
  3. Click save.